Friday, January 24, 2020

Danger Warning

Every morning, until that day, I turned on the radio while preparing for work. That morning, I had an urge to listen to a record. I woke up with a song in my head, a song on that record. It seemed so important to listen to that record.

I was a little late and was rushing. The apartment was older, and the sink was outside of the main bathroom. A massive chandelier hung over the sink. I leaned over the sink, balancing myself with one hand as I applied two coats of mascara.

I heard a deep but soft Voice say GO CHANGE THE RECORD.

I was angry. I was late and rushing. I didn’t have time to change the record. I thought NO! I WON’T CHANGE THE RECORD! NO TIME!

Then the Voice filled my head, the room, my entire existence. It was silky, commanding and the loudest thing I’ve ever heard but the apartment was totally, unnaturally silent.


Angrily, I pivoted on my left foot, took one step forward and heard a huge CRASH.

I turned around and found the heavy chandelier had fallen from the ceiling and crashed where I had been standing. I would have been critically injured, or worse.

I’m convinced that God, or a Higher Intelligence, told me to put a record on that morning, instead of the radio, to help me avoid danger.

I still tremble when I think about it.
- Jacquelyne Ricco, Quora, '19

Friday, January 10, 2020

Australia Burns

I wrote this channelling 2 days ago while I was feeling very emotional. It is today that I have found the courage to share it.

We sit and wait patiently while Australia burns. We pray our loved ones remain safe from the flames and devastation that it leaves in it's wake. Many have perished. Some species nearly completely my wiped out. 

This brings up a certain amount of rage within my emotional body that I cannot escape. I attempt to eat my way out of the emotions to no avail. Australia still burns. 

She burns for you, she burns for me, she burns for us, our ancestors and most of all she burns for her own sovereignty.

She is the owner of her domain and she will clear and cleanse as she pleases, howl and blow to balance her charkras and power centres. As she aligns to her higher self. We also begin to become more and more in touch with our highest and best selves. We purge and clear, shift and restore. We will rise together. Not all simultaneously however rise we will. One step at a time, one day at a time, one lifetime at a time. 

Our mother leads us in expressing her emotions, not repressing or suppressing them. She shows us how it's done. Unleash the outrage, the pain, the anger, allow it all, let it flow. Breathe through the fire, the smoke, the haze. Our job is to keep breathing, one breathe at a time. Whether it is through sobs, howls, walling or laughter we must feel all of our emotions. 

We are human after all. This is what we have signed up for. This is what we have been preparing for, for many lifetimes. 

Feel your emotions and let them assist you in opening to your power, your soverntity and your rage! 

Rebirth is occurring as Atlantis rises from the depths of the sea. As the pheonix rises from it's own ashes. Always transformed into a stronger, more powerful version of self.

Atlantis rises in you and in me, it rises just because we have been reincarnated at this time on this planet. We are being reborn anew.

- Natalie Curry 2020, shared with permission