A creepy-ass drug with creepy-ass sign of something
Doctor put me on low dose Lyrica. Same bad dream all night, so kept waking up. Opened front door 3am looking for the cat. Right pinky-toe touched wet spot as I turned around to go back to bed. A leak?Rain?
Returned to front door and retraced my trail. Found it! Wet spot under same right pinky-toe. Felt all around floor with fingers looking for the wet spot. YUCK! A creepy living slug on my finger. I dropped it outside and washed my hand.
Back I go to bed. Wet spot at my bedroom door under same right pinky-toe. No! Gross!. This time I turned on the light. Yep, a baby living slug! What's with the nightmares? What's with the slugs coming through the front door down the hall to my bedroom? Why did I touch it with my right pinky-toe THREE TIMES? THE GROSSEST OF THE GROSS!
This time I got a tissue and flushed the slug out of existence. Then I checked the house for more slugs. None! Just the two coming to get me.
Went back to bed. Too creeped out to sleep.
Spiritual Meanings of Slugs in the House: Is it Good Luck?
The slug is beyond what the eyes can see. It is a symbolism of humanity. Humanity is made of both male and female genders. Therefore, the slug is a symbol of humanity.
Furthermore, the slug is a symbol of an all-encompassing inner ability. The slug can procreate and recreate within itself. Because of the male and female organs in the slug, it decides which organ to use. This is a symbol of inner ability and strength.
Therefore, whenever a slug shows up on your path, it passes a sign of inner strength and ability. It is showing you that you have unlimited potentials and abilities. You can decide what to do, and be determined enough to see it through.
The slug is a symbol of protection from bad influences. The slug is an insect that is unwanted around us. Whenever we see a slug, we detest it and begin to look for ways to eliminate it. This is a powerful symbol that you should pay attention to. The slug shows up on your path to tell you that you are protected from bad influences. Just as you detest the slug, this is how bad friends will begin to detest you and move away from you. It might seem inconvenient at the moment, but it is best for you. The process can be painful, but this is what you need at the moment. When you see a slug, prepare to experience a massive exodus of bad friends from your life. The slug symbolizes protection from bad influences.
Therefore, you should not count it a coincidence when it shows up on your path. Slugs pass a lot of spiritual meaning to us, which will guide us through our life’s processes and cycles. If you are deliberate about ending the frustration and unhappiness in your life, then you should pay close attention to the slug.
Whenever slugs show up on your path, they pass their messages through various means:
The slug comes as a warning sign. This might seem harsh at the moment, but it is the best for you. Whenever the warning sign comes, take heed to it and let it caution you.
This is usually a message of encouragement. It is a promise concerning something you desire or want. This is what makes faith rise in your heart. The slug can transmit a promise to us, which lifts our soul and shines the light of hope on us.
Instruction and guidance:The universe sends guidance to us through the slug. Therefore, when the slug appears on your path, it is a sign of guidance.
1) You need the determination to get things done
This is a significant message to you from the spirits. The slug is telling you that you need the determination to get things done. If you are going to achieve the success you long for, you need to be determined than ever before to achieve what your heart desire. It is a lack of determination that makes people give up on their dreams. When you are not determined enough, you will always chicken out whenever trials stare at you in the face. You have to be resolute and dogged enough to pull through the darkness. This is a message from the universe to you. Whenever the slug appears to you in your house, it is encouraging and instructing you to become more determined than ever before. You are on the verge of success. However, to achieve this success, you must increase your determination and focus level.
2) Keep building the life you desire
Whenever you find a slug in your house, it is a message from the universe. It is an instruction that your efforts are yielding results silently. It is not noticed at the moment, but you are going to see the visible results if you don’t stop building. All you need to do is to remain consistent with what you are doing.
3) Do not be in a haste
The slug is an animal that moves slowly. However, it eventually reaches its destination. This is a message from the universe to instruct you to abstain from haste and impatience. Impatience will make you decide wrongly. Impatience will lead to poor assumptions about life and will affect how you relate with people around you. It will negatively affect every aspect of your life. Do not be in a haste. Everything will happen in its time.
4) You have all that you need
The universe is passing a strong message to you concerning having low self-esteem yourself. If you have looked down on yourself in the past, then the slug has come to encourage you to stop. Everything you need is available on the inside of you.
5) Keep investing in self-development
You do not need anybody’s validation to make you feel good or bad about yourself. Focus on your energy and power. Focus on the resources you have on the inside of you. This is how you are going to become a force to be reckoned with in your generation. Pull out the resources you have. Use them to your advantage. Keep investing in self-development. You have to continually invest in yourself to become valuable. The world around you is full of competition. The best way to distinguish yourself is to invest in knowledge. Build a strong knowledge base. The universe inspires you to work on yourself. The reason for this is that the universe is going to create an opportunity for you in the next 6 months – 1 year. The only way to take advantage of this opportunity is to have sufficient knowledge. Invest in yourself. It will pay off hugely. The slug has come to challenge you to never stop developing yourself.
6) Always be alert and sensitive
The slug is a very slow animal. This is describing your life. It is an indication that you have missed many opportunities because of your lack of alertness and sensitivity. The slug has come to challenge you. The slug is encouraging you to always be alert. You have to be sensitive to recognize opportunities that lie around you. In addition to this, you need to be swift to take action when needed.. stop allowing your inaction and indecisiveness to rob you of the opportunities that lie on your path.
7) Protection
The slug animal is a sign of protection. It is a sign that the universe is watching over you and protecting you from harm and danger. Therefore, if you have been battling with the fear of harm, the slug has come to instruct you that no harm is going to come near your dwelling place. Seeing the slug in your house is a sign of protection. This will not only affect you, but every member of your family will enjoy this protection. Therefore, there is nothing to fear. The spiritual realm is watching over you and protecting you from harm.
Slug animal totem
If the slug is your totem animal, it means the following:
You are a determined individual who will stop at nothing to get what you desire. The moment you observe that your determination is strong and unwavering; it is a clear indication that the slug is your totem animal.Your sudden thirst for change is a sign that the slug is your totem animal. Rather than the fear and uncertainty that comes with every changing cycle, once you realize that you are always full of optimism for every changing season of your life, then the slug is your totem animal.
Do slugs represent good luck?
Whenever a slug shows up in your house, it passes a message of provision. It is a sign that all your needs will be met. Most times, whenever the slug shows up on your path, you will begin to observe changes in a matter of days. Therefore, the slug has a lot of positive energy around it, which is a sign of good luck.
Dreams about slugs meanings
Whenever you dream about slugs, it is a sign that you must learn to let things go. Always be ready to release every hurts, offense, and negative energy that will slow you down on your journey to greatness. Always learn to forgive people easily. Drop every emotional garbage, which can slow you down on your journey to success.
Right Pinky-Toe
These five Elemental Characteristics of the Toes will help
you discover much about yourself and others you know
- The first toe represents the Ether element or destiny toe.
- The second toe is known as the Air toe or the communication
- The middle toe is the Fire toe – the ‘just to do it,’ or
not, toe.
- The fourth toe is the Water toe, capturing Relationship
The little pinky toe is the Earth Toe, symbolic of trust and prosperity perceptions. As with all the toes, the right and left side lends different perspectives to the Toe Reading. The left Earth Toe is called the warehouse of TRUST FACTORS. The right Earth Toe stores the PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS, holding a person's deep beliefs about money and sexuality issues, revolving around fear, insecurities and betrayal.