Thursday, April 29, 2021

Psychic and Wellbeing


I've noticed many psychic people are suffering serious health issues. Is this related to the work they do?


I get health really is unique to the person.  Many components go into health and well-being.  We have our physical environment, what we take into our body and also how we perceive the world.  If any of those elements are off balance, it has an impact on wellness.

Our physical environment is basically everything around us.  Are you around pollution, noise or visual stresses (sometimes seeing signs, advertisements or even actions of people can be triggers)?  When has the person last grounded with nature, went for a walk or gotten the fresh air in the woods?  These are all questions that come to me as I focus on this.

As an intuitive, what you take into your body can impact health.  It can be spiritual or physical.  Are you owning someone's energy or allowing them to "vampire" your energy?  Are you eating well?  It is very important to disconnect and own your own space.

Perception of events and allowing them to impact your negative can have a negative effect on your overall state of being as well.  Don't allow yourself to reside in a negative situation.  Physically or mentally disconnect from it.  Incorporate something positive or repeat affirmations often, especially in today's tense world.

Intuitives do have to be cautious of all the above mentioned things.  If you are an empath or sensitive to the energies around you it is really important to be mindful and purge things that are not your own.  Taking on the energy or others for any prolonged time will eventually impact you negatively.  I see that too many times psychics or intutives are taking in the energies around them to navigate our current world, and not properly taking care of themselves. Always remember to stay centered, stay grounded and energetically (through mantras, meditation, affirmations) protect your personal space.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Message for Me


A very important message here with the Major Arcana

PAST- The Tower indicates that the upheaval about to happen has its roots in the past. The Tower is one of the only cards in the deck that has energy that always belongs in the moment. While most cards confine their energy to the position in which they land, The Tower is about the here and now no matter where it falls in the Tarot spread. The overhaul needed in the past is about to happen whether or not you are ready for it.

Get ready it is coming.

PRESENT - The Sun is a card that indicates the universe is conspiring in your favor. The baby is a rebirth into a new phase of your life. The Sun’s appearance in your Tarot reading as an indicator that everything is going in the right direction for you.

FUTURE - Justice is the system and methods by which fairness is applied in trying to reach a decision. When the Justice card appears in the future position of your Tarot reading, the things that you are working on in your life now are inevitably leading you toward having to make a big decision. The Tarot is telling you to get ready for a big change no matter how minor a decision you are about to make. The Justice card represents justice, fairness, truth and the law. You are being called to account for your actions and will be judged accordingly. If you have acted in alignment with your Higher Self and for the greater good of others, you have nothing to worry about.

Justice is Libra - September / October