Friday, May 19, 2023

Modern Day Miracles

Call it the Universal Mind, Christ Consciousness, or what you will, but it is a power that allows human beings a recognition of the universal life force that we call God.

There are `mini-miracles' happening around us all the time. Everyone has experienced coincidences, no matter how small, as they are part of the normal fabric of our daily lives. They almost always contain a spiritual element, either in the sense of revealing our own sensitivity and powers - listening to premonitions, inner voices, and telepathic communication - or a sense of visitation from another world or higher realm, in the form of answers to prayers. 

Divine force is eternal and universal, and, because of its limitless capacity, it is a part of all things. We can even connect with this energy and watch miracles unfold around us. Watch for every sign, for every change around you, and you will see the universal law communicating with you. 

The more you trust it, the more the energy is encouraged to reveal itself, and unusual things begin to occur.

First published Fate & Fortune, June 2021

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